søndag den 29. november 2009

We are in newspaper! look: http://aarhus.lokalavisen.dk/hjemlig-hygge-hos-mallings-nye-fotograf-/20091129/artikler/711299945/1447

Julemarket hygge!

onsdag den 25. november 2009

Quote of the Day

“Life is short. Life goes fast. And what I really want to do in my life is to bring something new, something beautiful and something filled with light into the world. I try to think of that every day so that I can remember why I am coming to my studio.”

– Ross Bleckner

tirsdag den 17. november 2009

The picturesque Town Hall Square in Tallinn, Estonia, is said to be the site of the world’s first Christmas tree, which formed part of a ritual begun in 1441, when unmarried merchants sang and danced with the town's girls around a tree, which they then burned. Organisers expect 200,000 visitors this year and no tree burning.

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
This year we have new additons from Luxembourg, the Netherlands and elsewhere, while the old stalwarts Germany and France are still well represented.

torsdag den 12. november 2009

Try to read Gwyneth Paltrows homepage www.goop.com,
inspiring, interesting site about styling tips, fashion tips, book tips.....

fredag den 6. november 2009

KUNST julemarket og JULEFOTO. Der holdes åben og fotograferes 21-22-28-29.nov., 5-6-12-13.dec. Fra kl.11-16, Adressen: Balskærvej 14, Malling. FOTO: www.kaeselerweb.dk, KUNST: www.eeli.dk Vi håber at se en masse af jer og at I vil sende invitationen videre til jeres venner!

torsdag den 5. november 2009

Hej-hej! I am opened my blog today, Hurraa!!